All stays the same way..... If you can't take it....
No voy a cambiar un carajo! Todo se queda igual.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Belay that!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Division! Division!
All Venezuelan and In-Spanish related blogs by yours truly will remain here. For the English post you are cordially invited to drop by BeelzebuDasHell Blog where I'll keep pounding onlocal Liberals and assorted idiots.
Y una pequeña separacion en proceso. Chavezoides queda exclusivamente para tratar temas de Venezuela y en Español. Temas en Ingles contra los pendejos liberales, democratas izquierdosos (perdonen la redundancia) y demas corotos se encontraran en el BeelzebuDasHell Blog.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Presidente Chávez: estudiantes "fracasaron"
Y tiene toda la razon del mundo. RCTV sigue cerrada y hasta la directiva del canal esta clara que no va a reabrirse. Ya estan hablando con otros y buscando otras soluciones para seguir sacando programacion. Los vendedores de zapatos, banderas, pintura blanca, franelas, papitas y agua hiciero buen negocio vendiendole a los marchistas y las cosas quedaron igual.
Estimados estudiantes, quedaron como pendejos; el pacifismo no paga en contra de los tiranos. Chavez les gano.... disfrutenlo.
Que les sea leve!
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12:46 AM
Targeting: Bolivarianos, Chavez, chavezoides, estudiantes, marchas, pacifismo, pendejo, RCTV
Friday, June 22, 2007
Illegal Inmigration & Terrorism: The Unlearned Lessons (2)
So how did Spain ended up flooded with unknown and almost untraceable masses of illegal immigrant's? As mentioned before, during the PSOE administration of Felipe Gonzalez, there was an unwritten policy of, if not open borders an open disdain to ignoring immigration rules & laws. Most Illegal Muslim immigrants came via boats from North Africa and landed on the unprotected southern coast of Spain as if it was some migratory D-Day. Thousands died in the process, a tragedy in itself that helped fuel political correctness for illegal immigration. When regular folks started to raise concerns regarding the flood of immigrants, they were promptly accused of uncaring racists and xenophobes by the ruling left wing government of the late 80s and 90s, human rights organizations and the media itself. When people still complained, a massive guilt trip campaign was launched and its results were the almost total shutdown of any opinion that did not concur with the politically correct view of the issue. Interesting enough, the same points being made today in the US Congress while discussing the Amnesty Bill were made in Spain during those years.
1.- Spain was a nation of emigrants.
After the Spanish Civil War, hundred of thousands of Spaniards fled to other countries. The economic situation was so bad that people were literally starving in a mostly rural country. This piece of Spanish history is used to claim that any protest against Muslim immigration is just an indicator of bigotry on those who reject their presence in Spain. However they leave one little detail aside: Those Spanish emigrants did so LEGALLY. They did not sneak through any border without documentation or tried to shy away from authorities seeking to regulate them. And what was most amazing was their absolute integration into the culture of their adoptive country, there was almost no "gethoism" but they sought to be just regular folks living among other people of other cultures while sharing theirs. Parents went out of their way for their sons and daughters to be part of the country and become productive members of society. Of course it help that for the most part Spanish emigrants shared a common language and religion with their host countries, but still their adaptation to the local customs is short of amazing. Many emigrants spent decades without returning to Spain and when they did, they found that they were more citizens of their new countries than Spaniards and they were proud of it.
2.- Immigrants do the jobs Spanish people do not want to do.
In a country racked by high unemployment (20%), this was perhaps one of the most crudest insults to the Spanish people. The truth of the matter is that unscrupulous companies rather hire illegals at slave wages than to cough up the money for a decent wage and dealing with legal issues like Social Security, insurance, etc. Government turned a blind eye on the matter because they were getting good income from taxes and thought that those illegals one day would vote for them. Unfortunately for PSOE those Muslim illegals never got around to get a voting card and regular folks kicked PSOE out and elected Jose Maria Aznar from PP (Partido Popular) as Prime Minister in 1996 who started to tighten restrictions on illegal immigration. But by then it was too late. The seeds for the Madrid Train bombings were already sown.
More excuses to come in the next chapter.
End of part Two.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Illegal Inmigration & Terrorism: The Unlearned Lessons.
On June 17, 2007 the Spanish newspaper El Pais publishes excerpts from a secret document titled "Evolución de la amenaza del terrorismo islamista en España" (Evolution of the Islamist terrorist threat in Spain). If what the paper says is somewhat accurate, the Spanish Authorities are literally scared out of their wits and are bracing for the worst.
The article written by Jose Maria Irujo goes to explain that a core of heavily Takfir Wal Hijra-indoctrinated Muslims are roaming the streets of Spain and there is no way to detect them. Why? Because they are not your traditional fresh off the camel Muslim but Second Generation Muslims, the sons of the Illegal Immigrants that arrived unchallenged to the southern coasts of Spain. These Second Generation Jihadists will dress in western clothing, go to discos, drink alcohol, eat pork and have what it looks like a merry westernized life but in reality they are just as dangerous as any Al Qeada terrorist. They are the perfect sleeper agents.
For many years during the PSOE administration led by Felipe Gonzalez, Spain had basically an open borders policy regarding the Muslim flood coming out of Northern Africa. The official numbers of Muslim immigrants in the 1980s give an estimate of 175,000 that has grown to 600,000 by 2,002 but critics say that those numbers are staggering low and that they should be multiplied three times to get a more accurate result. As with any illegal immigrant population, Spanish Muslims shy away from any type of census so an accurate estimate is nearly impossible. The best that there is available out there is a map depicting the concentration of registered Muslim groups.
It is not surprising that Madrid has the biggest concentration being the capital. Also that Southern Spain in the cities of Granada, Cordoba and Malaga, old bastions of the Moorish occupation of Spain are also heavily populated with Muslims. What it is really surprising is the groups popping up at the north: Galicia, Catalonia and the Basque region which were unconquered by the moors and now are the economic and industrial centers of Spain and obvious targets for terrorist attacks by those willing to create economic mayhem.
But why all the worrying? After all Spain has gone above and beyond trying to "integrate" the Muslim community into its fold spending billions of Euros on everything from affordable housing to small business loans and special schooling. What's the problem? The 2004 Madrid train bombings suspects are up for trial soon and it seems the Muslim community is somewhat miffed about it. That seems to be the gist of the report mentioned above and that attacks might come from the Second Generation Jihadist has Spanish Authorities shaking in their boots. Also, That Al Qeada has mentioned by name Spain as a target and not because at one time they had troops helping the USA but because they feel it is their right to recover "their land" in Southern Spain, land they lost to Isabel and Fernando, King and Queen of Spain in 1492 when they kicked the last of the moors out of Granada and across the Mediterranean. Yes, they have memories that long.
Now the lesson to be learned here is that an Open Border policy is akin to suicide in all levels of society and we are seeing the results in Spain and France where muslim gangs are terrorizing neighborhoods, torching property without any fear from Law Enforcement because they are a protected species of sorts under a liberal conception of inmigration, integration and multiculturalism. If our elected representatives in both branches of congress would even take the time to read a couple of articles from overseas, they would not be singing the praises for this new Amnesty Bill. Hell, they would actually be doing something to seal once and for all our borders!
But wait! There is more to come! This post is a first one on a series. The next post will deal with the liberal politics that allowed Spain to be in the postion it is right now. You will be surprised at the similarites with some of our Illegal Alien Defenders. Stay Tuned!
Monday, June 18, 2007
Blast from the Past.
Benny Goodman's band "Sing, Sing, Sing. (With a swing)
And get the 1938 live version at Carnegie Hall to really freak out on good Jazz. 12 minutes of the most fantastic music ever recorded with giants at the instruments.
And something more modern:
Focus playing Sylvia & Hocus Pocus in the early 70's.
And, oh yes! Screw Rap!
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Manos Blancas, Camisas Rojas y.... masacre continua.
Leyendo El Universal del domingo 18 de Junio veo que asesinaron a cuatro jovenes en la Cota 905, a un estudiante de 17 años en Ciudad Ojeda, un albañil en Ocumare, otros tres muchachos en San Cristobal, un universitario en el CCCT, cuatro mas dentro de una estacion de gasolina en Maracaibo y un adulto en El Palmar.
En la misma edicion leo que en el Internado Judicial de Los Teques, decomisarin armas blancas y de fuego tal como lo demuestra la foto.
Pero las marchitas con las manos pintadas y las franelas coloradas siguen. Los pendejos sudan y derraman sangre mientras las elites politicas, bien resguardada por guardaespaldas siguen haciendo de las suyas. Tener una funeraria en Venezuela es el super negocio del nuevo milenio.
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1:54 AM
1 reloads
Targeting: Auto Defensa, Bolivarianos, Chavez, Chavismo, cojones, Crimen, Criminal, pendejo
Thursday, June 14, 2007
El lado positivo de las cosas.
Me acaba de escribir un amigo de la vieja realeza de Ulapo comentando el rumor/informacion que le llego de que el Gobierno de Hugo Primero instalaria en un futuro un sistema de esterilizaciones para la poblacion en nombre del control de la natalidad. Al pana le parecio horroroso y de mal gusto, rayano en la esterilizacion de los animalitos realengos que estan paseando todos los dias por las calles de Venezuela.
Particularmente estoy de acuerdo que se haga ese proyecto. Dudo que vayan a forzar a la gente a meterse cuchillo asi que para hacer un gran bululu mediatico, tendran que usar voluntarios Chavezoides. Y sinceramente, la idea que los Chavezoides no se puedan reproducir me da un gran placer.
Que comienzen las ligaduras!
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4:13 PM
1 reloads
Targeting: Bolivarianos, Chavez, chavezoides, esterilizacion, Ulapo, Venezuela
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Me estoy aburriendo....
OK, ademas de mi quien mas esta aburrido de las marchas? Muy bonitas y tal pero ya estan fuertes y es basicamente porque no hay resolucion. del problema inicial que es el cierre de RCTV. Y sinceramente, esta Marchas Pitufas de manos arriba y por las aceras joden tanto o mas que los buhoneros. La gente promedio esta dispuesta a hacer un sacrificio si es que van a ver un resultado pero hasta ahora lo unico que han obtenido a cambio es colas y ruido.
Por cierto, el tema de Venezuela y RCTV ya ha desaparecido casi completamente del mapa noticioso mundial como era de esperarse. La noticia perdio su gancho hace rato y a menos que pase algo, no creo que siquiera reciba mencion en el resumen informativo del 2007 que pasaran las cadenas internacionales. La protesta esta agonizando lentamente y morira sin haber logrado su cometido.
Y este es el epitafio: Manos arribas pintadas de blanco cual bandera de rendicion.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Esta es toda una perla.
Darío Vivas anuncia marcha a favor de los símbolos patrios
El diputado oficialista Darío Vivas anunció que hoy se realiza una protesta en contra de lo que ha calificado como "la mala utilización de los símbolos patrios por la oposición en las manifestaciones contra la no renovación de la concesión a RCTV".
"Porque se haya tomado la decisión de no darle la concesión a Radio Caracas Televisión para que siga utilizando la frecuencia del canal 2, entonces se agarran nuestros símbolos y los irrespetan. Eso es lo que se condena", explicó el asambleísta. El diputado aseguró que existe "irrespeto a la Bandera Nacional, cuando se quiere cambiar la manera como está diseñada", dijo.
La marcha se inicia en la plaza Miranda a las 9:00 de la mañana, pasará por la avenida Baralt y se dirigirá al Panteón Nacional. En la plaza Miranda se izarán las banderas de Venezuela mientras algunos delegados oficialistas explicarán su significado a través de la historia. VG.
Seguro que van a acusar a la abuelita de Escualida infiltrada.
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1:25 AM
Targeting: Bolivarianos, Chavez, chavezoides, Chavismo, Terrorismo Mediatico, Venezuela
Friday, June 08, 2007
Y que mariquera es esta?

Pero hasta cuando Dios Mio! Hasta cuando vamos a seguir con el complejo y la idea de ser victimas? Donde esta el orgullo de mostrarse firme y dispuesto a hacer lo que hay que hacer? Uds sinceramente creen que pasearse con las manos pintadas de blanco y los brazos alzados les da una imagen de fuerza? No les enseñan nada en esas universidades? Se los voy a tener que explicar:
En Miraflores deben estar riendose como locos. Si quieren utilizar un simbolo de desafio que todo el mundo entienda, siempre esta la paloma.... y no precisamente de la paz.

Terrorismo Mediatico
Y a todas estas, se puede saber que carajo es el Terrorismo Mediatico? Que yo sepa no esta tipificado como crimen o siquiera como mamadera de gallo en los codigos. Me puse a buscar en Google y consegui que los mas grandes exponentes de la lucha contra el terrorismo mediatico no tienen una definicion constante de lo que es. En buen español, no tienen ni puta idea de lo que estan hablando.
Sin ponerse a inventar mucho, el Terrorismo Mediatico no es sino una excusa para aplicar alicates a los resticulos de cualquier medio de comunicacion que sea considerado por los Chavezoides como contrarevolucionario. Obviamente cualquier medio o persona que se comunique y que hable mal del gobierno va a ser acusado de terrorista mediatico. Sera que voy a terminar clasificado como terrorista mediatico cibernetico? Ojala! Con el teimpo que tengo haciendo estas pazguatadas debo ser condiderado el Yasser Arafat de los Terroristas Mediaticos. Eso si, soy mas bonito y menos HDP que Arafat y de paso no me gustan los Keffiyeh.
Por cierto, si se deciden a tener una definicion fija de lo que es el Terrorismo Mediatico, me la dicen para poder cumplirla a cabalidad. Que no digan que El Diablo hace las cosas a medias nojoda!
Les dejo esta perla de caricatura de Cox & Forkum:
Que les sea leve.
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10:31 AM
Targeting: Chavismo, conspiracion, conspiraciones, Hugo Chavez chavezoides magazine, Terrorismo Mediatico, Venezuela
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Conspiracy Time.
Si hay algo en lo que somos buenos los Venezolanos es en la capacidad fantastica que tenemos para hablar paja y regar rumores con conspiraciones. Con lo de RCTV hay dos conspiraciones que estan dando vueltas y me gustan que jode por lo tradicional que son. La primera es que RCTV puyo para que los sacarn del aire para asi salir por DirecTV y obligar a la gente a comprar el dichoso apartico y que la gente de DirecTV se cuadre un buen billete.
La segunda conspiracion se centra en que Cisneros tiene su trompo enrollado con Hugo Primero y le ofrecio una bola de plata para que sacara a su mayor competidor del mercado. Venevision asi podria subir brutalmente lo que le cobra a las Publicidades y meterse mas billete aun.
Obviamente existen otros cuentos de conspiraciones pero tengo que admitir que estas dos me gustan por su simplicidad y reflejo del espiritu del Venezolano.
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9:38 PM
Targeting: Chavez, Chavismo, conspiracion, conspiraciones, DirecTV, RCTV, TV, Venevision, Venezuela
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Hay que reconocerlo...
Los Chavezoides estan jugando el caso RCTV con maestria no acostumbrada. Tambien la culpa la tiene la Poposicion que han desviado el mensaje lo suficeiente para que se les vaya de las manos. Anoten lo siguiente: Es muy jodido demostrar que no hay libertad de expresion en Venezuela cuando les dan permiso para las marchas. OK?
Si, es muy bonito que medios de comunicacion mundiales hayan tomado la causa de RCTV pero sinceramente no tiene mucho peso al final del dia. Y vamos a estar claros, ellos mismos no se creen que Chavez va a cambiar de opinion y dejar que RCTV vuelva al aire. Cuando mucho RCTV les ha servido de barbas de vecino ardiendo y no quieren vesrse en la misma silla de barbero.
Analizemos quien sale ganando con este cierre. Supuestamente Chavez und Chavezoides ganan porque metieron en cintura a un grupo de contra-revolucionarios. Aja, OK, lo compro. Sigamos, quien mas gana? Si pensamos economicamente (Y en Venezuela, el billete sigue mandando seac Chavezoide o Escualido) los mas felices son Venevision y Televen. Y no estoy diciendo que ellos hayan tenido mano en el asunto, pero de que estan ganando no hay duda. Menos competencia, menos espacio disponible para los anunciantes y mas caro se pone este espacio. Me gustaria saber que tanto ha subido la tarifa de espacios comerciales desde la cerrada.
Una queja que he leaido en otros blogs y sitios de informacion es que Venevision y Televen se quedaron viendo los toros desde la barrera lo cual a causado un gran malestar entre la poblacion. Que hacer para que se unan a la lucha o lo sientan? Como los Venezolanos somos entes pacificos (PUAGH!) se les da a los señores esos en el bolsillo: Boycott a los canales. No se ven mas!
Ya estoy escuchando las apretadas de culo. "Ay no! Yo no me puedo perder los CSI! Tas loco?!"
"Que? Perderme la Fea mas Bella?" "Nonononono justo ahora que La Anatomia de Grey esta en su punto culminante, ni de vaina!" ..... Aja, diganme que no lo estan pensando (OK, los que tienen DirecTV y acceso a otros medios abstenerse de responder, sin trampa!)
Partamos de la base de que RCTV no va a regresar a la normalidad, el siguient blanco ya anunciad0 es Globovision y despues quien sabe? O es que se creen que los Chavezoides los van a dejar seguir haciendo billetes sin ellos meter las fauces? Pa' cree pa la iglessia nojoda!
Imaginense lo que serian 6 meses de no sintonizar Venevision y Televen para los presupuestos de esos canales?
Pero no se porque me gasto, se que no va a pasar. Mejor me voy a ver TV.
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12:40 PM
1 reloads
Targeting: Bolivarianos, Chavez, chavezoides, Oposicion, RCTV, Televen, TV, Venevision, Venezuela
Monday, June 04, 2007
Hurricane season upon us! My reccomendations.
No, I am not going to repeat the same old hurricane preparedness list we read everywhere. I did see that some important and official sites still have the old Supply-For-Three-Days mantra when the new one is for five at least. So make you corrections accordingly.
Of course I am going to mention guns. They are not in any official list, but we know we need them. During the aftermath of Katrina here in South Florida, I was well served of having my loyal WASR 10 handy when three youyng fellers drove by at the wee hours of the and thought my house was easy pickings. They were kinda in a hurry after a quick display of my Romanian Devil.
So, you are now a thoughtful member of society or you might have suffered or saw poeple being abused by gangs of looters and has decided that is time to upgrade your hurricane kit with some firepower, What should you get? Two considerations: Money and Disposition.
Before we continue, if you are the type of moron that thinks "I just want a gun to scare them off or maybe shoot them in a leg. I don't want to kill anybody", please leave this blog by clicking here. If you are still undecided, click here.
First: The Four Rules of Gun Safety.
(It means don't trust anybody (including yourself) who says "don't worry, it is not loaded because it will be.)
(It is obvious, no? if you point a gun accidentaly or otherwise, you better be sure you won't mind losing it. That includes belongings (yours and other people's), Limbs (Yours and other's), Human Life, Animal Life, etc.)
("I swear it just went off" is 99% of the times BULLSHIT! You were fingerfucking with the trigger till you killed something. It is your fucking fault.)
(Make sure your target is a target and not grandma taking a crap on the woods. Also, bullets and stuff like that may tend to overpenetrate and keep giong so somebody standing behaind your intended target may also get hit.)
The idea of a firearm is to defend your Castle A.K.A. your home. So we are going to look for something that it is easy to use and intimidating: The pump shotgun. You can't go wrong with a 12 gauage smoothbore pump shotgun for home defense. Be ready to spend at a minimum $300 between the shotgun, the FFL transfer, a good sling (tactical prefered. more confortable) and ammunition. You may also want to add a light and a clamp to hold the light for those nocturnal situations. Once you get the shottie and the ammo, go to the frigging range and practice! Watching waht Bruce Willis or whomever does it in the movies is not training enough. You have to learn how to operate the shotgun, how it recoils, how the pattern spreads (or where the pellets goe depending how far you are from the target), etc. If you can, get trained, it will be worthwhile.
As for the ammo, I (as my very particular taste) keep it between #00 buck and slug. My shotgun will spread #00 buck pellets in a two-fist size up to a chest-sized target at 15 yards, anything farther than that I'll be switching to slug to make sure the target goes down. 15 yards is a perfect shooting distance for my house, yours may differ so plan accordingly!
Remember to keep the shotgun out of the hands of Children (and idiots that wanna play with it) and keep it always close to you while the emergency is running. Check your local laws for any regulation that may apply.
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Todo es muy bonito pero......Y?
Llevamos varios dias de protestas por RCTV lo cual ha dado ciertas jaquecas al regimen de Hugo Primero pero.... Y? Que es lo que viene despues?
Hugo no va a ceder, en eso estamos claros. Politicamente seria un golpe muy fuerte a su imagen del Nuevo Che Guevara que tanto ha cultivado a traves del mundo.
Si los estudiantes estan esperando que la conmocion y las protestas hagan eco en el exterior, estan jodidos. Es una realidad mundial diferente en la que estan jugando con herramientas (en su mayoria) de la decada de los Sesenta. CNN, FoxNews, Sky, BBC internacional, etc viven en un ciclo noticioso de 24 horas la cual requiere un flujo constante de noticias frescas y, lamentablemente, el caso RCTV ya empieza a oler piche y viejo. Hugo y su combo lo saben muy bien y lo que tienen que hacer es esperar a que se cansen y se vayan para su casa. Tambien estan apostando a que el Venezolano promedio, que tiene que salir a trabajar para darle de comer a su familia ya que por motivos de las conspiraciones de la CIA, la Revolucion Bolivariana aun no ha podido darles los frutos sagrados de la Revolucion a todos, termine arrechandose de tanta marcha y tantas colas y cese de apoyar a los estudiantes.
Cual es el siguiente paso? Ud decidiran. No va a ser facil, no va a ser gratis y no se si haya la fortitud testicular para tomar los pasos necesarios. Alguin mas cinico que yo (y hay que echale bolas al concepto) me comento que el no ve con esperanza este bululu. "Coño, si con la huelga petrolera no se logro un coño y los teniamos por las bolas, que carajo esperas de este peo con RCTV? Ademas, que te puedes esperar de un pueblo que esta arrecho que le hayan quitado el canal de las novelas pero no les ha importado que les hayan quitado sus libertades hace tiempo?"
Que les sea leve.
Loaded by:
7:43 AM
Targeting: Bolivarianos, Chavez, chavezoides, Chavismo, cojones, Hugo Chavez, Hugo Chavez chavezoides, Novelas, Oposicion, pendejo, RCTV, Venezuela
Y desde Merida !
Son cosas mias o se les encochino el pasticho?
Loaded by:
1:16 AM
Targeting: Bolivarianos, Hugo Chavez chavezoides magazine, Merida, PM
Friday, June 01, 2007
Proxyacaso les hace falta.....
Otros datos:
-Tambien puede intentar escribir el numero de IP en vez de el URL. Trate de averiguar cual es el IP directo de la pagina que busca.
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-Utilize el Traductor de Google Al parecer yendo a traves del traductor, se engaña al bloqueo.
Suerte y Gazeta Hipica!




Loaded by:
12:45 AM
Targeting: bloqueo, Bolivarianos, CANTV, Freedom of Speech, Hugo Chavez chavezoides magazine, Internet bloqueado, Radio Caracas, radionexx, RCTV