Friday, February 23, 2007

Do Good Anyway by Uncle Ted

Words to live by...

Friday, February 16, 2007

Quien se acuesta con niños....

Pues ahora resulta que Al Qaida ha determinado que Venezuela es enemigo de el Islamofacismo y futuro blanco para sus ataques. No quiero ni imaginarme la arrechera que deben tener los Bolsivarianos gubernamentales al ser tirados dentro de la misma olla del "Imperio".

Hugo Rafael debe estar rascandose la cabeza tratando de entender que coño es lo que estan pensando. "Pero si me he dado hasta de besitos con cuanto turco de mierda se me ha atrevesado y ahora soy enemigo del Islamismo? Que vaina es esa?" debe estar diciendose el Mini-Fidel. (Nota: El venezolano, especialmente el que tiene unos añitos, agrupa a todos los arabes dentro de la categoria de turcos.)

Que puede hacer la Revolucion Bolivariana para salvarse de los posibles ataques de Al Qaida ? Muy simple! Dejar de venderle petroleo al "Imperio." Claro que si no le venden petroleo al "Imperio", el Imperio Chavista se viene abajo mas rapido que el Viaducto Caracas-La Guaira. Como van a conseguir Revolucionarios fieles a la causa si no hay que robar del tesoro publico? Y tu sabes la cantidad de sobornos que hay que mantener en Bolivia y el rtesto de Latinoamerica?

Pobre Hugo. Parece que no se dio cuenta ya amanecio cubierto de materia fecal islamica.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Verbigracia Bolivariana

Revolucionario Chavista dice:
"Pongo mi cargo a disposicion de la Revolucion Bolivariana:
"Ya no queda ni el lavamanos en el baño. De paso tengo qua agarrar unas vacaciones para depositar mis dolaritos en las Islas Caiman."

Revolucionario Chavista dice:
"El compañero Juan Bimba y yo estamos en desacuerdo con la orientacion de el/la (Ministerio, Oficina, Banco, Notaria).
Traduccion: "El Hijoepu ese no esta repartiendo miti-miti lo que se esta robando."

Revolucionario Chavista dice: "Dejo mi cargo con honor y la seguridad que la Revolucion seguira adelante."
Traduccion: "Esta bien coño! Ya se que la cague, pero yo soy chichero, no ingeniero. No es mi culpa que el puente se haya caido."

Revolucionario Chavista dice: "Hoy se esta mas seguro en Venezuela. El crimen no es tan grave"
Traduccion: "El crimen no me afecta desde que me regalaron la Escalade blindada y ando con cuatro gueardespaldas de arriba pa' bajo."

Revolucionario Chavista dice: "El fracaso del plan se debe a la intervencion de el Imperio a traves de los agentes de la CIA y los contrarevolucionarios de la oposicion."
Traduccion: "Ni pendejo que sea yo para admitir que puse la torta."

Revolucionario Chavista dice: "La industria de la construccion en Venezuela esta teniendo un auge como nunca visto."
Traduccion: "Espero que los contratistas terminen con mi penthouse en Loma Arriba y la casa de la playa en Choroni antes de Semana Santa."

Revolucionario Chavista dice: "Mi pueblo, yo se que ustedes estan con la Revolucion."
Tradducion: "No les queda otra. Pa donde coño se pueden ir? Que se jodan!"

Friday, February 09, 2007

Stockpiling for the new Democrat Era.

With the Dems in control of Congress and with a good chance of winning the Presidency (Let's face it, neither Guilianni nor McCain will move the Conservative Base) we have about two years to stock up in Second Amendment supplies. There are some rumblings coming out of stalwart places like Cook County where some idiotic Politico is raising again the idea of a 5 cent per rooun Ammo Tax to pay for the city of Chicago's deficit. Senatoressa Feinstein is again on the move trying to get her Assault Weapon Ban as a New and Improved violation on our Rights. And in some States, there are rumors of setting back the Concealed Weapons Permit legislations already on the books even though in all places that is running there has not been one drop of "Wild West Violence" or "Road Rage Murders" as many on the Anti-Gun Movement "predicted."

So, what are our choices? Obviously we still need to focus on the political game. Be active in your locality, support your Pro Gun groups and be Loud & Proud about it. But seeing how we have been betrayed before by our senators and representatives, it is imperative that we get ready in case we get shafted.

1) Buy the guns you want right now. Don't wait for the last day before the new ban starts. This is specially true with long guns of the Ugly Design: the so-called assault weapons. AK variants are still plentiful, inexpensive and reliable. AR Clones are not that cheap so, if you need to max out the credit card or put it in layaway, do it. Don't forget a good shotgun either. They are cheap, ammo is cheap and a good pump is reliable till the day of Rapture. Last but not least, select a good reliable handgun for those occasions that require concealment.

2) Buy parts. Although firearms' quality is impressive, they are mechanical animals and they will have parts that wear out or break. At a minimun, get springs for all your firearms & mags since these are the first to go.

2) Stock up on Ammo. A firearm without ammunition is just an expensive paperweight. Keep at least a stock of 2,000 rounds per handgun caliber, 1,000 per rifle and 500 to 700 for shotgun. And don't forget to...

3) Reload. If we get socked with all kinds of regulations, reload is a good way to keep our ammo inventory up and running. Reloading kits mad by Lee are inexpensive and last for years. If you have doubts and fears about reloading, don't. Although you must be careful on certain stages of the reloading process, it is not a black magic/rocket science enterprise. Ask around, get info from books, experts and friends and learn. Do remember to stock up on components being powder and primers your first priority.

Some will call me paranoid but gun confiscation has happened before and always with tragic results. We can't afford to repeat those mistakes.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Quotes to ponder about

  • Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.
  • An idealist is one who, on noticing that a rose smells better than a cabbage, concludes that it will also make better soup.
  • Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard.
  • Philosophy consists very largely of one philosopher arguing that all others are jackasses. He usually proves it, and I should add that he also usually proves that he is one himself.
  • The demagogue is one who preaches doctrines he knows to be untrue to men he knows to be idiots.
  • The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

H.L. Mencken.